Yuri’s night, School Campeni, Alba, Romania
- on 11 April 2011Untitled 1
„Yuri’s Night” at anniversary
As in previous years, the Romanian Space Agency coordinates „Yuri’s Night” in Romania. This event celebrates worldwide the first flight of a man in space – Yuri Gagarin – on 12April 1961.
This year, Yuri’s Night has a special significance, fulfilling the first 50 years since this event has opened new horizons for humanity.
In our country, Yuri’s Night Celebrations are held in many places. In Brasov, the high school students expose posters and rocket models; in Bucharest, Wings Club and Euroavia are hosting a party; at Cāmpeni in Alba county, grades V-VIII school students simulate orbits and are viewing PowerPoint presentations.
Young people from Cluj are invited to a session of astrophysics at the Center for Excellence in Astronomy and students of School of Deva Horia discuss „Man and the Universe”. In Hunedoara, students from „Emanuil Gojdu” Economic College conclude – „50 equals infinity”, in Sibiu the Energy Technical College hosts „Astronomy for Everyone” and in Turda, Avram Iancu School is hosting a space party and cosmic jewelry. Zalau students do not forget to say „Happy Birthday Yuri”, together with small children from Oradea gathered at the Children’s Playground, while Timisoara students discuss international law issues with an ROSA space expert. Snapshots from these events, as well as from the last year’s event can be seen at
2011 is a special year for our country, celebrating the 30th anniversary of the first space flight of romanian cosonaut, Dumitru Dorin Prunariu in May of 1981
Activitati diverse organizate la Scoala Campeni -jud. Alba